Conferences for Study and Prayer

The Conferences for Study and Prayer (CSP) are organized by the Religious Order Miles Christi. These conferences are aimed specifically at helping the intellectual and spiritual formation of the faithful. This podcast is a compilation of the talks given at these conferences starting in 2002. For more information about Miles Christi please visit our website at

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God’s Grace Working in Me | 2:4

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Unraveling one of the most interesting aspects of our faith, Fr. John Ezratty delves into the work of grace in our souls and our role in cooperating. Does God just make us saints? Or do we make ourselves saints? Fr. John shows how both God's work and ours are necessary for our salvation. He also unmasks common errors and pitfalls in Christian thought with regard to the work of God's grace in our souls.
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Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Dr. Mary Healy goes to scripture to explain how God's grace is active and present very evidently already in the New Testament. From that moment, every Christian has sought to allow the grace of God to work in their lives. Join Dr. Healy in exploring the goodness of God that was manifested as the salvific work of Jesus Christ was just beginning!
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Tom Nash aims at helping strengthen the faith-driven mission of the family in this talk. He goes into ways to grow in grace, especially within the family, and how to live out our call as members of a domestic Church. His talk is both insightful and encouraging for those who are striving to find holiness within their marriage vocation.
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit

Friday Jun 28, 2024

In this extraordinary talk, the mother of Bl. Carlo Acutis, Antonia, speaks about her son, his spirituality and his legacy. How many mothers can speak about their beatified son! Listen to the insights and wisdom of a woman who knew Bl. Carlo better than anyone - an unparalleled way to learn about the life of this modern-day, Eucharistic champion!

Friday Jun 28, 2024

In a continuation of the previous bonus track, here we offer a Q&A session with Antonia Acutis, the mother of Bl. Carlos Acutis. Antonia answers question like "When did you realize your son was a saint?", "Do you know of miracles attributed to Bl. Carlo?", "How has your relationship with your son changed since his death, do you pray to him?", "What advice would you give to parents in raising their children?", and more!

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

In this talk, Dr. Lawrence Feingold explains what Divine Revelation is and how it takes place. The Catholic faith stands out because at its center is God revealing Himself to us! This fundamental fact of the faith is masterfully explained in this talk and incorrect ideas of Divine Revelation are also exposed.
Dr. Feingold also begins to unravel the topic of the inspiration of Scripture. What role does God play in the writing of Sacred Scripture? What place do the human authors have and can they truly be called authors of the Bible? These questions, and many more, are answered!
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

In this talk, Dr. Lawrence Feingold goes through the Messianic prophecies, that is the ways in which Jesus Christ is spoken about by prophets in the Old Testament. He looks especially at the prophecies dealing with the coming of a Savior and then with the prophecies regarding His salvific work through suffering. He then looks at the ways in which the Church was foretold by prophecy in the Old Testament.
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

Dr. Lawrence Feingold talks about the list of inspired books, called the canon, that make up our Catholic Bible. He looks at where the canon of books came from and when it was officially approved by the Church. He also compares and contrasts it with different canons that are used outside the Catholic Church. He goes on to show the relationship between Scripture and Tradition in our Faith.
He also covers the principles of interpretation of Sacred Scripture. These are the guidelines the Church sets out to help the faithful properly understand the Bible, in this way ensuring that it leads to our spiritual enrichment.
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

In this talk, Dr. Lawrence Feingold delves into the topic of biblical inerrancy. Does Scripture contain passages or statements that are not true? Is everything that is mentioned in the Bible 100% historically accurate? Do we have to understand every word and phrase completely literally in Sacred Scripture? These are the kinds of questions that Dr. Feingold navigates as he explains the Catholic understanding of the inerrancy of Scripture. He also contrasts it to some incorrect ways of explaining the truth contained in the Bible.
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

Only in a writing authored by God can a historical event be a foreshadowing of a future event. Since the Bible has God as it’s primary author, this takes place quite often in Sacred Scripture and it is called typology. In this talk, Dr. Lawrence Feingold starts explaining the topic of Biblical Typology and he lays a foundation by explaining the different senses of interpreting Sacred Scripture following St. Thomas Aquinas.
For more information about Miles Christi and what we do visit
To help support our apostolate and the possibility of offering more faith formation to the laity, please consider leaving a donation at
For Spiritual Exercises (silent Ignatian retreats) in your area visit


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